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Mo. - Do.: 08:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Fr.: 08:00 - 15:30 Uhr

Kohl Recycling

Continuous disposal

using wheelie bins

Kohl Recycling

Continuous disposal

using wheelie bins

Kohl Recycling

Continuous disposal

using wheelie bins

Kohl Recycling

Continuous disposal

using wheelie bins

Wheelie bins - flexible and economic.

Wheelie bins offer a particularly economic disposal system for the continuous disposal of waste and valuable materials. Depending on the volume of waste generated, the size, quantity and the emptying frequency can be adapted individually. 

The bins are emptied on site by our front loading vehicles with the front loading system. The emptying process can be carried out at regular intervals or whenever called for, and cost-effective transportation is enabled by the implementation of collection routes. Your waste is weighed using the scales integrated in the front loader when the containers are emptied and, for each container, an appropriate document is printed inside the vehicle. This ensures the precise invoicing of your actual waste volume.

Wheelie bins sized 1.1 to 7.5 cbm are available for a variety of waste types. Depending on the size of the bin, they can be made from plastic or steel. A variety of lid systems and a low filling height enable easy filling. Bins in special sizes or designs are available on request.

PhotosVolumeLWHFeatures / type
1.1 cbm115137123 plastic, 1 lid
2.5 cbm146196147 steel, 2 lids
5.0 cbm242196148 steel, 2 lids
7.5 cbm290196185 steel, 4 lids

When it comes to volume and dimension specifications, these are average figures that may deviate slightly. Measurements are given in cm. 

We would be happy to advise you with regard to the bin volumes and intervals to suit your disposal tasks and then create a non-binding, efficient disposal concept for you.